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Light-Based Therapy. Radiant Skin.

Redness. Freckles. Age spots. Blood vessels. Each of these common skin concerns can be effectively addressed and improved with Photofacial treatment. The Photofacial uses light to remove unwanted pigmentation and sun damage, rejuvenate skin, and restore a healthier complexion. This treatment dramatically improves the appearance of red and brown spots, small veins, and pigmented lesions, evening out your skin tone with minimal redness and downtime. The Photofacial also delivers outstanding results for patients who experience the persistent redness and flushing of rosacea and other skin conditions. Photofacials provide lasting results that reverse the effects of aging and sun exposure, for a youthful appearance. The benefits of Photofacials include:

  • Improves age-related skin damage
  • Removes red/dark spots, unwanted freckles and skin discolorations
  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines caused by aging and sun damage
  • Minimizes the appearance of small blood vessels
  • Improves pigmentation irregularities and the flushing of rosacea

How it Works:

The Photofacial treatment does not use a laser, but instead uses a skin-specific light that creates a reaction beneath the skin’s surface to stimulate new collagen growth. The Photofacial light heats and eliminates undesired pigmented spots on the face, neck, chest, arms, hands and shoulders. Sun exposure must be minimized before and after the treatment. Ask our experts for more information.

Numbing cream is an option to reduce any sensitivity. Please let the front desk know if you would like to be numb for your treatment and be sure to arrive 30-45 min before your scheduled appointment to allow the cream to take effect.

Ready to book your free personal consultation?

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Melasma Peel

The Gold Standard in Melasma Treatment

Melasma is a skin condition in which brown patches or spots appear on the face, including the cheeks, nose, chin, above the upper lip and the forehead. Many women experience melasma due to sensitive skin, hormones, and sun exposure, and it commonly occurs during pregnancy. The good news is, melasma can now be treated effectively with Cosmelan, considered by dermatologists to be the gold standard in melasma treatment.

Cosmelan is a professional topical treatment that targets all types of skin discolorations and uneven pigmentation, and is specifically designed to decrease the appearance of melasma. Cosmelan is safe for all skin types and treats hyper-pigmentation, melasma, freckles, lentigo, acne, and discoloration. The benefits of Cosmelan include:

  • Visibly illuminated skin tone, texture and radiance
  • Reduction in melanin production
  • Significant reduction in the appearance of melasma
  • Improved skin discoloration

How it Works:

Cosmelan is applied as a mask, and uses a combination of depigmentation agents which act together to decrease melanin production in the skin by inhibiting the enzyme tyrosinase. Cosmelan tightens the pores, controls sebum, and stimulates cellular turnover. The treatment consists of two in-office mask applications, which are worn home, plus topical products to be used at home daily. It is important to remain consistent with the treatment instructions and proper after-care, to avoid future skin discoloration.

Ready to book your free personal consultation?

Call 214-964-0860